As to increase reach-out & accessibility of its results and findings, the Agency has gathered some basic ENISA material, and in particular the press release on the studies & reports in DE/FR in one, single place per each, respective language.
Basic Agency material in French & German 'landing pages'.
As an effort to more easily provide some basic corporate material on the Agency, and the most up-to-date translated press releases on the latest Agency results in German and in French, the Agency has provided so called 'landing pages' in DE and in FR.
'This should increase the accessibility of the available updates and corporate material on ENISA to all French and German speaking audiences across Europe. Working in ICT, English is naturally our official working language, but we are now making the DE/FR material we have more easily available, in one, single location. This move to overcome the language hurdles in Europe, should also gradually better our outreach and impact.' the Agency Spokesman, Mr Ulf Bergstrom comments.
The German and French language 'landing pages' with links to the relevant material will progressively be built up and contain more basic material on the Agency.
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